Primary Campus: (03) 9850 7122Â Â Â Â Â Â Secondary Campus: (03) 9852 1631
Primary Overview
The students in our primary school are aged between five and twelve years. During their time in primary school, students are provided with a teaching and learning curriculum developed within the framework of the Victorian Curriculum. Additional programs include the development of effective communication systems, sensory integration, play skills, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics) and Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) teaching. Programs and learning experiences consolidate and extend the skills attained in the early years of schooling. Independence, communication, thinking skills and the use of technology are promoted within the context of all primary years programs. Each classroom teaching team is supported by our team of specialist teachers and our multi-disciplinary team. The primary school commitment to the provision of inclusive learning opportunities appropriate for individual students includes sessional teaching and learning activities at Templestowe Valley Primary School and supporting students who are dually enrolled.
Shared beliefs and understandings
To provide:
- the opportunity for students to be immersed within the environment where they have the opportunity to learn from and with others
- opportunities for students to learn at their stage of developmental learning
- an environment where respect of students learning styles and abilities is always considered and acknowledged
- a happy, friendly, secure, interactive environment that will ensure success according to each students needs and abilities
- a form of acceptable communication for each student
- a curriculum that reflects the need of the students to develop effective social skills
- programs across the Victorian Curriculum standards that will build a foundation for future learning
- an environment that recognizes the importance of play in all students development by providing a structured learning environment to foster and develop students individual and group play skills
- students with the knowledge and examples of expected school routines and school wide positive behaviours (PBS) to enable them to function within the school environment effectively
- age and ability appropriate equipment and programs
Programs offered in primary school
Students in primary school follow the Victorian curriculum. The teachers modify the content to suit individual students learning abilities. Additional programs include swimming, bike riding, play skills, cooking, STEAMÂ and ABA. In addition to the Victorian curriculum areas teachers in consultation with the occupational therapist provide oral motor, sensory and fine/ gross motor programs. When applicable the teachers also work with the speech therapist to enable the students to have a functional communication system through the use of Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), Picture Communication Symbols (PCS) or Proloquo2Go app. Your child may also have the opportunity to take part in excursions and community access during their primary school years.
Primary school leadership group

Lower Primary

Upper Primary