Positive Behaviour Support

What is School Wide Positive
Behaviour Support (SWPBS)?

  • A whole school behaviour support framework
  • A proactive approach to managing student behaviour, requiring whole school commitment
  • Teaching all students socially acceptable ways to behave and interact with others across all school environments through an agreed set of behavioural expectations
  • Proactively preventing and reducing the intensity and frequency of behaviours of concern

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Purpose Statement Purpose Statement

Bulleen Heights School is committed to providing a safe, supportive and respectful learning environment for students and staff where students have opportunities to engage in quality learning experiences and acquire values supportive of life long wellbeing.

We support the development of each student’s behaviour by:

  • Acknowledging the uniqueness of each student
  • Placing significant emphasis on the development of socially appropriate behaviour
  • Recognising that students who feel safe, supported, accepted and valued are more likely to reflect these qualities in their own behaviour.
  • Committing to a SW PBS framework to guide and support students and staff, in the teaching and learning of responsible self-managed behaviour, using a three tiered process of explicit teaching, encouragement and reinforcement.

What does SWPBS look like at 
Bulleen Heights School?

 The Bulleen Heights school community developed three positive expected behaviours:

Behavioural expectations are explicitly taught and encouraged by:

  • using our school matrix (see image below)
  • describing and modelling positive behaviours
  • individual and whole school reward systems (such as the SWPBS ticketing program below)
  • lessons and practical ideas for teaching

Positive Behaviour support ticketing program

Rationale The ticketing system will;

  • Encourage staff to use common PBS language
  • Encourage staff to be actively looking for and reinforcing expected behaviours of
    Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be Your Best
  • Encourage and reinforce students to demonstrate positive behaviours

Set up

  • A named, plastic envelope on the wall for each student in which to store awarded tickets –(allows teachers and students to see how each student is progressing). You could use clear plastic takeaway containers, or something similar
  • PBS tickets to be downloaded and cut out, ready for each day, or week. Tickets found at: Resources\PBS\Printable (Add your own)\Positive Tickets.pdf
  • The tickets depict the three behaviours, with a space on the back to write student’s name


  • A ticket is given to any student who you identify is demonstrating one of the PBS expected behaviours. Student name is to be written on the back
  • At the end of each week, each student counts their tickets. All students who have tickets are to be congratulated and the student with the most tickets could get three cheers!! – or student could be awarded an extra Dojo point!! Students could graph the numbers
  • At the end of the week, each class is to have brought their combined tickets to the office and have placed them in the PBS box
  • Every Friday, a ticket will be drawn from the PBS box and a name will be announced over the intercom. This student can come to the office and choose a prize from the prize box
  • After the draw, all the tickets will be emptied into a larger container. When the tickets reach a certain level depicted on the side of the container, a whole school reward will be obtained such as jumping castle sessions etc.
  • Any staff member can award tickets to students
  • When awarding tickets, you must identify to the student, why they are receiving the ticket eg. “Joe. Thank-you for holding the door open for me. You are being respectful. You have earned a ticket – well done”
  • Tickets are to be carried by staff at all times, inside and out. You can encourage our high support needs students to put in pockets during outdoor break times – teachers are to be encouraged to ask students on their return to inside if they were awarded any tickets
  • If you see a ticket on the ground, please look for the name and return to the student, pigeonhole or teacher

Behaviours of concern are addressed by
using a multi-tiered model of BHS
school wide behaviour support.