Primary Campus (03) 9850 7122
Secondary Campus (03) 9852 1631
Primary Campus (03) 9850 7122
Secondary Campus (03) 9852 1631

M1/2 Op Shop Grand Opening Day

The students in M1/2 participated in a group discussion on why they should have a school community Op Shop that is managed by the students as well as the benefits it will have on the school community. From this discussion, the group came up with a list of things to do prior to the opening day. While some students helped to create posters and display them around the school, others set up the Op Shop and organised the items to be sold, prepared the BBQ and grilled the sausages. The Grand Opening day was a success!



The students in M1/2 participated in a group discussion on why they should have a school community Op Shop that is managed by the students as well as the benefits it will have on the school community. From this discussion, the group came up with a list of things to do prior to the opening day. While some students helped to create posters and display them around the school, others set up the Op Shop and organised the items to be sold, prepared the BBQ and grilled the sausages. The Grand Opening day was a success!