Primary Campus (03) 9850 7122
Secondary Campus (03) 9852 1631
Primary Campus (03) 9850 7122
Secondary Campus (03) 9852 1631

Focus Space P21

This term P21 with the help of other staff have created an extra educational learning space within our classroom where the students are able to work on their Individual Learning Goals with 1:1 support. In this space, students are able to concentrate on their English, Mathematics, puzzle completion and fine motor activities with little distraction. The space also includes educational posters, a blackboard with expected learning outcomes as well as Picture Communication Symbols that allows students to request for breaks or help. Students find this space conducive to their learning styles and sensory needs.


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This term P21 with the help of other staff have created an extra educational learning space within our classroom where the students are able to work on their Individual Learning Goals with 1:1 support. In this space, students are able to concentrate on their English, Mathematics, puzzle completion and fine motor activities with little distraction. The space also includes educational posters, a blackboard with expected learning outcomes as well as Picture Communication Symbols that allows students to request for breaks or help. Students find this space conducive to their learning styles and sensory needs.