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Book Week started with a visit from Roland Harvey, author and illustrator of books such as Islands in My Garden and At The Beach, In The Bush and In The City. He explained how he writes his books and the various ways he illustrates moving from pen and watercolour to working on the iPad. Our students listened and asked questions of Roland.
Throughout the week classed took part in activities and reading of all the books shortlisted for Book of the Year in the EC Picture Book section. At the end of the week, the school voted on their favourite book from this section, which was Alison Lester’s The Very Noisy Baby. This book was given an honorary award by the Children’s Book Council Judges, so we are skilled at noticing quality! The winning book this year is a very humorous “RODNEY LOSES IT!” by Michael Bauer, illustrated by Chrissie Krebs).
The culmination of Book Week was our wonderful book parade. With bright skies, the oval was filled with a diverse selection of favourite book characters, with staff and students all getting into the spirit of the event. The parade was supported by parents who assisted in dressing their children in the wonderful costumes, as well as attending the parade and the morning tea afterwards where there was an opportunity to see what had been happening at school for the week.