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Primary Campus (03) 9850 7122
Secondary Campus (03) 9852 1631

Book Week at MRC

Book Week was launched with author/illustrator Roland Harvey sharing with the students how he completes his illustrations, mainly using his iPad and we were also most fortunate to see him create some illustrations on large paper.  Throughout the week classes read titles from The Children’s Book Council of Australia short listed books and completed a range of engaging learning experiences. Each class prepared a display of their work for the Multi Purpose Room with students having the opportunity to view these with their teacher.  After lunch each day a mix of students from various classrooms presented ‘The Book Week Blurb’ where they shared with the campus a book their class read and what they learnt or how they responded to the book. On Friday, M19 presented the Book Week Assembly where photos of students throughout Book Week and the displays were shared on the screen.  The students certainly engaged in reading or viewing a range of quality books throughout the week gaining a lot of enjoyment from literature.

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Book Week was launched with author/illustrator Roland Harvey sharing with the students how he completes his illustrations, mainly using his iPad and we were also most fortunate to see him create some illustrations on large paper.  Throughout the week classes read titles from The Children’s Book Council of Australia short listed books and completed a range of engaging learning experiences. Each class prepared a display of their work for the Multi Purpose Room with students having the opportunity to view these with their teacher.  After lunch each day a mix of students from various classrooms presented ‘The Book Week Blurb’ where they shared with the campus a book their class read and what they learnt or how they responded to the book. On Friday, M19 presented the Book Week Assembly where photos of students throughout Book Week and the displays were shared on the screen.  The students certainly engaged in reading or viewing a range of quality books throughout the week gaining a lot of enjoyment from literature.