Primary Campus (03) 9850 7122
Secondary Campus (03) 9852 1631
Primary Campus (03) 9850 7122
Secondary Campus (03) 9852 1631

Science Experiments P22

P22 loves participating in Science experiments. This semester we have watched exploding baggies pop, flying balloon rockets, created soft moon sand and gazed at bubbling lava lamps. Each experiment is done multiple times to promote independence and allow for all students to become confident in following procedures. Science is a great way to for the students to practice following verbal and visual instructions, choice making, requesting, turn taking and engaging in answering comprehension questions. Science is done one-on-one or as a group depending on the activity. Group activities encourage collaboration between peers and is a fantastic time to focus on social skills. Staff in P22 model using Proloquo2Go during Science experiments to help increase the understanding of the expectations. P22 looks forward to Science weekly.

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